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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Detox your Body

With a cleanse, you allow your body to expel the potentially harmful toxins it has accumulated throughout the years. The end result should be an improvement in your health and overall wellbeing.

Natural cleansing involves flushing built up toxins and waste out of your body, leaving you feeling better than ever before! There are many natural methods you can use to detox your body, varying from specific cleansing rituals which quickly clear out your system, to food, drink and lifestyle choices that you can sustain long-term.

Exercise: Getting regular exercise is one of the healthiest, most natural ways to cleanse the body.

Quit smoking: Smoking is one of the worst things you can do to introduce toxins into your body.

Avoid environmental toxins: Whenever possible you should try to surround yourself with clean fresh air and avoid breathing in city smog and factory smoke.

Manage stress: Stress can contribute to your overall ill health, as it impairs the release of good hormones and prevents your body from functioning at its optimal level.

Get an intense massage: A good, intense massage can actually help to rid the body of excess toxins, when performed by a trained professional.

Get more sleep: Although it’s not responsible for cleansing the body in itself, sleep is nonetheless essential for maintaining normal body function and for living a healthy life.

Try fasting: Fasting is a popular, if a little extreme, way of cleansing the body by cutting out or severely limiting your body’s intake of food, while simultaneously flushing out your system with high volumes of liquid. The idea is that your body can start afresh – cleansed and renewed – after everything bad has been expelled from the system.

Try acupuncture: Acupuncture is a form of holistic treatment which works by inserting tiny needs into the skin at pressure points around the body. Acupuncture can help to cleanse the body by targeting pressure points where toxins tend to build up. The toxins are then released, so that they can be naturally flushed out of your system.

Eat more fiber: Fiber is the number one nutrient for maintaining proper digestive function and, as such, is a fantastic natural cleanser.

Eat organic foods: Aim to buy only organically grown fruits and vegetables, and organically produced meat and dairy products. Although more expensive, organic produce is generally free of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers and uses a only a minimal amount of growth hormones and antibiotics.

Drink plenty of water: Increasing your water intake is one of the most important things you can do when attempting to cleanse your body naturally. You should aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day.

Drink herbal teas. Drinking herbal teas is a great way to increase your fluid intake, while also reaping the benefits of the many naturally cleansing herbs and roots provided by Mother Nature.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol are two substances that should be avoided as far as possible during the cleansing process.

Eat more superfoods: Although you should restrict your intake of any processed foods during a cleanse, you should try to eat as many superfoods as possible.

Restrict your intake of simple carbohydrates: Simple carbohydrates like white rice, bread and pasta are basically devoid of nutrients, vitamins or any substances that are good for your body.

Take vitamin C: Helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives away toxins.

Turn to probiotics to get rid of the bad bacteria and welcome in the good kind: These powerful substances help to naturally eliminate bad bacteria in the body.

Yoga: You are getting deep down into muscle tissue as you would with a massage, and you are also helping to breathe out toxins that have built up in your system over time. This is one example of how cleansing can help the circulatory system in a dynamic way that has many other helpful applications as well.

Opt for a diet rich in whole foods that are free of additives and preservatives: Whole foods that come from the earth and are natural. When you turn to packaged foods for convenience, they are normally loaded with additives and preservatives.


Asparagus: The veggie has anti-inflammatory properties and it is also known for filtering toxic materials from the foods you consume.

Beets: Beets help eliminate free radicals from the body and also make sure that toxins get out of the body without getting reintroduced.

Garlic: Garlic is known for boosting metabolism and anyone who is looking to lose weight can benefit from eating garlic. In addition, garlic also helps cleanse the liver and boosts immunity as well.

Ginger: Chewing on ginger root is one of the best methods of detoxifying the body, but you can also include it in your diet for maximum benefits.

Grapefruits: The lycopene content of grapefruits which gives it its pink and red colors also has the capacity to fight free radicals and help the body get rid of toxins.

Kale: Kale is another vegetable that has properties to help detox the body and mind. According to a number of researches, the vegetable is also recommended to patients who are looking to fight kidney problems.

Turmeric: Turmeric contains an active ingredient known as curcumin which is not only responsible for its yellow color, but also gives it detox properties. Overall, it has the potential to cleanse the body and mind and rid the body of many diseases and illnesses without any side effects.

Nettle:  The wide range of beneficial nutrients found in stinging nettle make it an ideal detoxifier for the body and it has been known to gently cleanse the body of toxins.

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