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Friday, July 31, 2015


Thousands of years before modern medicine provided scientific evidence for the mind-body connection, the sages of India developed Ayurveda, which continues to be one of the world’s most sophisticated and powerful mind-body health systems. More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge). It offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay vibrant and healthy while realizing their full human potential.

The food that we eat daily directly affects our natural constitution. Our constitution in turn is based on our inherent doshas. This is why a balanced diet helps to balance the natural dosha presence. Depending on whether one is vata, pitta or kapha dominant, one must design a specific diet for regular nutrition. Ayurveda has a beautiful dietary plan suiting each kind of body type. Different foods are known to produce one of these three dosha aspects as well. Hence, we must have knowledge on the apt food for our inherent constitution.

In Ayurveda, the cause of disease is described as the mistake of the intellect; where the intellect identifies itself as separate from consciousness. Ayurveda extols that pure consciousness is considered to be the source of all creation. Separation from pure consciousness, or the source of our Being, is the main obstacle for spiritual progress resulting in mental, emotional and physical dis-ease. Treatments aimed at the cause of disease also aim to raise consciousness while restoring the memory of pure consciousness in every cell.

Most well-known for its restorative benefits
Protects the immune system
This herb promotes your overall health such as physical and mental health, body rejuvenation, and longevity
Reduces anxiety and depression without causing drowsiness
Helps reduce brain-cell degeneration
Stabilizes blood sugar
Helps lower cholesterol
Offers anti-inflammatory benefits
Contains anti-malarial properties
Enhances sexual potency for both men and women
Promotes energy in the body
To ease the stress
Increase memory power
Help in fatigue and other conditions
Ashwagandha has antioxidation property help in improving memory power and brain function. Ashwagandha helps in reducing oxidative stress which leads to neurodegenerative disorders. By minimizing these issues, it may offer neuroprotection.
Helps prevent memory impairment and oxidative stress of the mind
Mood-boosting herb that helps in fighting against mood imbalance
Stress-combating properties
Has various useful chemicals such as withanolides (steroidal lactones), alkaloids, choline, fatty acids, amino acids, and a variety of sugars
Adaptogenic benefits that change your response to stress and help body to cope with internal and external stresses such as anxiety, insomnia and toxins in the environment

Presence of a particular class of polysaccharides, which help to reduce inflammation, regulate blood flow and activate immune cells.
Antioxidant effects, protecting cells against damage by free radicals, as well as adaptogenic effects, meaning it helps the body respond and adapt more positively to environmental stress factors, both physiological and psychological.
It is an adaptogenic herb that encourages wellbeing, and it enhances your energy levels. The benefits of Astragalus extract also involve its action as a tonic.
By stimulating an otherwise depressed and ravaged bone marrow tissue into producing more white blood cells, the body's first line of defense, building up their sensitivity to harmful micro-organisms and thereby guarding against gastrointestinal poisoning, astragalus effectively increases survival rates among cancer patients.
Astragalus is used to strengthen the immune system over time, building resistance to illness and disease.
Cardiovascular system improvement, particularly in clinical parameters associated with angina, congestive heart failure and acute myocardial infarct.
Used in the treatment of hepatitis in modern Chinese medicine.
For colds and upper respiratory infections.
Increases metabolism and energy, boost stamina and promote healing.
Cellular health gets a boost from astragalus, which helps to slow your DNA's degradation over time.  It causes your body to produce more telomeres, a part of your DNA that protects chromosomes from degradation - Stops aging
It contains a unique class of polysaccharides which are very biologically active - Heals sickness
It improves the rate of replication of immune cells called macrophages - Good for diabetics.   
Helps to balance blood sugar - not just lower it, mind you, but balance it. Effectively, that means when blood glucose levels are too low, this amazing herb can help to raise it; conversely, when blood glucose levels creep too high, it can help to lower it.
May be beneficial in reducing symptoms related to allergic rhinitis and hay fever
Astragalus root contains a substance that could make it a powerful weapon in the fight against the HIV virus that causes AIDS
Other uses: Atherosclerosis, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, insomnia, diabetes, chronic hepatitis, genital herpes, AIDS and chemotherapy side effects.

Tulsi-Holy Basil
Increases a substance called ojas, which is described as the physical expression of consciousness. Tulsi is one of a select few Ayurvedic herbs that carry the label ojas-building. Building ojas in the body benefits the body, mind and spirit as it treats the body at its most refined level

Tulsi, the Queen of Herbs, has been guiding people spiritually for thousands of years due to its ojas building properties and is also called the Mother Medicine of Nature.

The name “Tulsi” means “The Incomparable One” because of its unique health benefits.

Chronic, low-grade stress is a modern day epidemic that creates sluggish metabolism, chronic inflammation, and abnormal immunity.  High cortisol creates digestive problems and leaky gut syndrome, increased appetite, weight gain, thyroid disorders, and accelerated brain degeneration.

One of the key components that adaptogenic herbs offer is their ability to lower and stabilize cortisol levels.  High cortisol drains the precursers to major hormones such as testosterone, progesterone and estrogen.

It is extremely useful for Yoga and meditation to produce the tranquility needed for spiritual realization to unfold.  Tulasi is said to sharpen the intellect, increase memory, and promote clarity of thought and perception.  It helps the mind to transcend normal states of consciousness and to attain the highest mental state of awareness (samadhi).  For meditation Tulasi may be combined with brahmi, and lemon balm.  For increasing intellect, memory and perception Tulasi may be combined with Gotu Kola, Jyotishmati, and Amalaki.

Tulasi is a great herb for healing spiritual disorders.  It has a very sattvik (pure / sacred) quality to it which makes it good for dealing with all sorts of spiritual energies, and entities, black magic, and negative karma.

Mucuna Pruriens
Also known as Velvet Bean, this herb has potent libido and mood-enhancing properties due to its effect on dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which, like serotonin, regulates mood. It has been found effective in treating depression and low libido. It is also used as a supplement to rebalance brain chemistry after indulging in alcohol and other drugs.

It’s covered in thousands of tiny hairs known to cause intense pain and itching in those unlucky
enough to be stung. But for anyone tenacious enough to pry a pod of the Velvet Bean plant open, there lies great reward inside.

Like coffee, Mucuna Pruriens is psychoactive, but in a far more medicinal and absolutely non-addictive way.

One of the only naturally occurring (and certainly most concentrated) sources of L-Dopa—as in dopamine

  • dopamine, and serotonin, and tryptamine… and just about every other mood-influencing neurochemical known to man
Jing enhancing herb--“vital essence” or “life force”

Content of exotic compounds such as dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 5-MeO-DMT, nicotine, and bufotenine in trace amounts, which just happen to be the active ingredients in such sacred medicinal plants as ayahuasca, tobacco, and peyote, among others. 
Spiritual and consciousness-enhancing plant. 
DMT, for example, is secreted by the pineal gland, which is the master regulator of consciousness in the body and is believed to control our perception of time as well as our circadian rhythms (sleep/wake cycles). 

Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds contain numerous phyto-chemicals that are known to have antioxidant, carminative and anti-flatulent properties. The seeds are an excellent source of dietary fiber.
Contain certain health-benefiting essential oils such as cuminaldehyde (4-isopropylbenzaldehyde), pyrazines, 2-methoxy-3-sec-butylpyrazine, 2-ethoxy-3-isopropylpyrazine, and 2-methoxy-3-methylpyrazine.
The active principles in the cumin may improve gut motility and help in digestion by augmenting gastro-intestinal enzyme secretions
Rich source of many flavonoid phenolic anti-oxidants such as carotenes, zea-xanthin, and lutein.
Cumin seeds may also have anti-carcinogenic properties

2.00 tsp (4.20 grams)

vitamin B13%

Basmati Rice

Basmati rice is Sattvic, nourishes Ojas and is also light and easy to digest so even if your Agni is weak, you should be able to digest it with ease
Compared to regular long-grain rice, Basmati rice is lower in calories
A 1/4-cup serving of raw brown basmati rice has 150 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, 33 grams of carbs, 2 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein
Has a lower GI than regular rice -- 67 vs. 89
Builds body tissue and is very rich in prana or vital bio-energy
Gluten-free and low in fat
It contains all eight essential amino acids
Folic acid
Very low in sodium
Has no cholesterol
Basmati tastes like no other rice on earth. Unlike ordinary long grain rice the light, fluffy texture of Basmati’s long, slender grains offers the palate a totally different experience in terms of mouth-feel and taste – distinctive, unique and slightly ‘nutty’.
Literally translated as ‘the fragrant one’, Basmati has been described as having the aroma of sun-baked wood and flowers
Like a fine wine, Basmati improves with age, and relies entirely on nature for its very special characteristics


One of the most revered of all exotic spices
It has a strong medicinal action on the blood, heart and reproductive system, is super Sattvic and also potentiates the action of any substance it is taken with
One to five strands per day is enough to impart its benefits and it is best eaten after soaking in warm milk
Be careful not to boil Saffron as it contains precious volatile oils that will be lost and do not use if you are pregnant as it stimulates the flow of blood in the uterus.
When taken correctly, is effective at treating mild to moderate depression
Asthma-helps to clear your airways making it easier for you to breath
If you are someone that has trouble sleeping, using a saffron herbal supplement can help
A herbal saffron supplement can decrease the chances of getting arteriosclerosis
Can help aid in a person's fight with cancer
For women who have irregular periods, they can take saffron to help regulate their menstruation
In many religions, saffron is not just considered a spice. It is used in various types of therapies like body healing, detoxification and also in the spas
Digestive and an anti convulsant
Potassium, found in saffron, is a necessary source that favours cell formation and repair
Potassium also helps maintains the blood pressure and keeps heart diseases at bay
Forms haemoglobin and it is a co-factor in the red blood cell production

Thіѕ Ayurvedic herb іѕ known bу various οthеr names lіkе Giloya, which means in Hindi heavenly elixir. In Sanskrit it is known as Amrita, which means the immortal nectar.

Thіѕ herb acts аѕ a liver protectant аnd protects thе dаmаgе tο liver bу alcohol poisoning, viral hepatitis, medicinal drugs οr chemicals. Guduchi аlѕο regenerates liver tissues аnd repairs fibrosis.

Modern research shows it to be a strong immunostimulant with very few anti-cytotoxic effects

Guduchi is described as one of the Medhya Rasayana - mental rejuvenative in the Charak Samhita. It delays the signs of aging, increases longevity and rejuvenates the body, enhances grasping power, recollection ability.

Blood cleansing properties of Ayurvedic Neem Capsule helps in blood purification and detoxification.
Anti-bacterial properties has proven its efficacy in management of various skin disorders.
May help to control various allergic conditions and infection of the skin.


A strong digestive system is absolutely vital to one’s health. The ancient – and magical – practice of Ayurveda actually focuses largely on the idea that proper digestion is key to overall health and wellbeing. So many issues begin in the gut, and only when we address this root cause will we get ourselves to the optimal health we so deserve.

Used in tandem with a diet of fresh, whole, nutrient-dense foods – ones that work best for your body specifically – these practices are believed to help balance agni and strengthen digestion, bringing you to a whole new level of wellness – both physically and mentally.

Ginger & lemon / pomegranate chutney 

If you have sluggish digestion, ginger and lemon are a great combination for increasing agni. Sip on ginger and lemon tea throughout the day, and eat a piece of fresh ginger with lemon before meals.

If your agni is overactive – Pitta types – ginger and lemon may be too stimulating to your already burning fire. You may benefit more from enhancing your meals with pomegranate chutney – a spice believed to aid digestion without further aggravating Pitta.

Time of day

Agni is associated with the sun – and just as the sun is strongest between the hours of 12 and 2pm, so too are our digestive fires.
Avoid eating anything at all after about 6:30pm

The copper cup

Drinking water from a copper cup upon waking is also believed to help increase agni, in addition to reducing internal acidity and promoting healthy elimination

Room temperature beverages

Drinking ice cold beverages, although it can feel quite refreshing, is actually thought to be potentially harmful for digestion
Instead, stick with room temperature beverages whenever possible

Peace, happiness, tranquility

The gut is oftentimes referred to as our second brain – it seems to have a certain wisdom about it; an ability to recognize truths with a perspective less biased than our own minds. Emotions tend to get stuck in the gut, and this can have detrimental effects on one’s health. In order to optimize digestion, we must take care of our minds. We need positivity and light.


Four essential spices of Ayurveda are:
Turmeric – an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune modulator
Cumin and Coriander aid digestion and assimilation
Fennel balances the system

Other "super spices":
Dried Red Pepper (flakes or powder)


It is one of the best antioxidant in the world as it contain polyphenol
Anti-inflammatory agent and has an ability to build the damaged body tissues as well as cells
Helps in controlling the blood pressure. Cinnamon has also a quality of controlling the sugar level, cholesterol level as well as triglycerides in the human body.
Insulin resistance: The blood sugar doesn’t reach the body cells. Such people should consume cinnamon for solving this problem.
Very useful natural product with the quality of controlling the sugar level inside the person body
Can be helpful in keeping the digestive tract smooth
One of the greatest benefit of cinnamon is that it is highly useful for the growth of brain cells
Can be used for curing and treating different kinds of fungal as well as bacterial infections inside and outside the body
Has an ability to fight against the cancer cells and their growth
Eating a diet rich in spices, like turmeric and cinnamon, reduces the body’s negative responses to eating high-fat meals
Just breathing in the sweet aroma of cinnamon can boost brain activity
Traditional Chinese medicine utilized the energy based and warming properties of cinnamon to help with the onset of flu or colds


Loaded with Anti-Oxidants
Composed of several volatile oils.  These oils are powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic agents.
Inhibits cancer cell formation while firing up our body’s own inborn ability to destroy cancer cells.
Improves the digestion process
Powerful anti-inflammatory
It acts as an effective pain killer
Daily ginger supplementation reduces exercise-induced muscle pain
Reduces the symptoms of dysmenorrhea (severe pain during a menstrual cycle)
Prevents the symptoms of motion sickness, especially seasickness
Success in eliminating gastrointestinal distress
Helps easing stomach cramps and flatulence
May inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells
Gingerols, the active phytonutrients in ginger, kill ovarian cancer cells by inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) and autophagocytosis (self-digestion)
Immune Boosting Action
Ginger improves the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body
Stimulates appetite
Ginger clears the ‘microcirculatory channels’ of the body, including the pesky sinuses that tend to flare up from time to time
Ginger helps reduce flatulence
Stir up some ginger tea to get rid of throat and nose congestion
Ayurvedic texts credit ginger with aphrodisiac properties
Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc which can help to improve blood flow
Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a natural treatment for colds and flu
Consuming a little bit ginger a day can help foil potential risk of a stroke by inhibiting fatty deposits from the arteries
Good for the liver as it helps heal the liver problems
Effective to eliminate or reduce size of prostate tumor up to fifty six percent in mice
Component and known as 6-shogaol superior to treat cancer meditation conventionally


Low in calories
Excellent sources of vitamins A, C, and E potassium, folic acid, and fiber
Red peppers pack the most nutrition, because they've been on the vine longest
All anti-oxidants
Almost the whole range of vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9)
Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal:  The anti-septic properties in capsicum makes it effective in fighting food poisoning
Anti-aging:  Anti-oxidant is highly effective in helping to protect the skin from free radical damage known to cause signs of aging
Vitamin C in capsicum makes it very effective in preventing blood clot, thus preventing strokes
All the colored capsicums contain very high anti-oxidant and phytonutrients that are especially helpful in preventing cancers
Cholesterol:  These colorful juices can significantly help to reduce cholesterol. The concentrated anti-oxidant fights oxidative stress that is the main culprit in oxidizing the LDLs in our blood
Helps relieve gastrointestinal problems like indigestion, stomach ulcers, colic, dyspepsia, diarrhea and even help reduce excessive flatulence
The strong content of vitamin C stimulates white cells to fight infection, naturally building a good immune system
Increases our body metabolism
The rich vitamin C helps to heal, repair, build/strengthen the lining of the mucous membranes to prevent nose bleeds
The high vitamin C and beta-carotene makes capsicums especially beneficial in preventing eye problems like astigmatism, cataracts and macular degeneration
Capsaicin in capsicum blocks transmission of pain, so it can help relieve pain to a certain degree
The high level of vitamin C coupled with flavonoids make capsicum a very good food that helps prevent respiratory problems like asthma, emphysema, wheezing, lung infections
Gargle some capsicum juice to help eliminate a sore throat


One of the components of nutmeg is a compound similar to menthol, which has natural pain-relieving characteristics
When you grind nutmeg into a powder, it retains its fiber content, which can stimulate the digestive process by promoting peristaltic motion in the smooth muscles of the intestine
Compounds have been proven to reduce the degradation of neural pathways and cognitive function
During ancient times, Roman and Greek civilizations used nutmeg as a type of brain tonic
Acts as a tonic in many different ways, and therefore boosts the overall health of your body
In terms of the liver and kidney where many of the toxins are stored and accumulated from the body, nutmeg can help eliminate them
In traditional medical applications, nutmeg was considered the king of spices when it came to oral health
Recommended as a home remedy for sleeplessness and insomnia
Methanolic compound in nutmeg and its essential oil can actually induce cell death (apoptosis) in leukemia cells
Herbal and traditional medicines have long used nutmeg to boost the appearance and health of your skin
Potassium is a vasodilator, which relaxes blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure and lowering the strain on the cardiovascular system
Controls vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and relax spasms
Reduces gas and bloating
Produces an euphoric effect
Reduce stress, relax muscles and relieve tension
Combats asthma
Has aphrodisiacal properties
Treat impotency and improve libido


Extremely rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium. It has good amounts of iron and a small amount of sodium, zinc, manganese, and selenium, small amount of vitamin C, B6, choline, and betaine. It also contains vitamin K, niacin, and folate.
Natural antiseptic and anti-bacterial agent
Useful for disinfecting cuts and burns
Prevents prostate cancer
Reduces the risk of childhood leukaemia
Natural detoxifier: Two very important liver detoxification enzymes (UDP glucuronyl transferase and glutathione-S-transferase) are significantly elevated with turmeric-increases detoxification systems
Powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant
Curcumin boosts levels of the brain hormone BDNF, which increases the growth of new neurons and fights various degenerative processes in the brain
Beneficial effects on several factors known to play a role in heart disease. It improves the function of the endothelium and is a potent anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant.
Leads to several changes on the molecular level that may help prevent and perhaps even treat cancer
Can cross the blood-brain barrier and has been shown to lead to various improvements in the pathological process of Alzheimer’s disease
Can help treat symptoms of arthritis and is in some cases more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs
Effective as prozac in alleviating the symptoms of depression
May provide an inexpensive, well-tolerated, and effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD) such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis
Can correct the most common expression of the genetic defect that is responsible for cystic fibrosis
Lowers cholesterol


Extremely good for digestion and related problems
hemorroids-Dietary fiber content and carminative, stimulating, antifungal and antimicrobial properties, acts as a natural laxative in powdered form
Can have a powerful effect in preventing diabetes by reducing the chances of hypoglycemia
It is a stimulant as well as a relaxant at the same time
The presence of caffeine (the stimulating agent), and the richly aromatic essential oils (the disinfectants) make cumin an ideal anticongestive combination for those suffering from respiratory disorders
Cure for Common Cold
Cumin is rich in iron and thus very good for lactating mothers as well as for women who are undergoing menses or who are pregnant
Nutritious additive to daily diet for anemic people and avoid the symptoms of anemia like fatigue, anxiety, cognitive malfunction, and digestive issues
Proper amounts of oxygen and iron in the brain lead to increased cognitive performance and a decrease in cognitive disorders
Vitamin-E is good for the maintenance of skin and the prevention of premature aging symptoms
Components such as cuminaldehyde, thymol, and phosphorus are good detoxifying agents which help in the regular removal of toxins from the body
Abundance of iron, the presence of essential oils, Vitamin-C, and Vitamin-A in cumin boosts our immune system in a number of ways
Detoxifying and chemopreventive properties, and accelerates the secretion of detoxifying and anticarcinogenic enzymes from the glands
Reduces total cholesterol, triglycerides, and pancreatic inflammatory


Exceptional phytonutrient content
Volatile oils are rich in beneficial phytonutrients, including carvone, geraniol, limonene, borneol, camphor, elemol, and linalool
Flavonoids include quercitin, kaempferol, rhamnetin, and epigenin
Contains active phenolic acid compounds, including caffeic and chlorogenic acid
Cineole, one of the 11 components of the essential oils, and linoleic acid, are both present in coriander, and they possess antirheumatic and antiarthritic properties
The disinfectant, detoxifying, antiseptic, antifungal and antioxidant properties of coriander are ideal for clearing up skin disorders
Some of the acids present in coriander, like linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin-C) are very effective in reducing the cholesterol levels in the blood
Reduces the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) deposition along the inner walls of the arteries and veins
Helps to raise the levels of healthy cholesterol (HDL)
Aids in digestion, proper functioning of the liver and bonding of bowels, while also helping to reduce diarrhea
Reduces blood pressure
Keeps wounds and ulcers in the mouth from worsening. They help speed up the healing process of ulcers and also freshen breath.
High in iron content, which directly helps people who suffer from anemia
Strong anti-histamine properties that can reduce the uncomfortable affects of seasonal allergies and hay fever (rhinitis)
Reduces allergic reactions to contact with plants, insects, food, and other substances that may cause allergic reactions on the skin or when consumed
Salmonella is one of the most dangerous causes of food borne illnesses in the world, so any natural way to protect against it is very important. Coriander has unusually high levels of dodecenal, a natural compound that is actually twice as powerful of an antibiotic than the leading treatment for salmonella-based illness.
As a rich source of calcium, coriander is of great value for people who want to protect the integrity of their bones
The rich aroma from its essential oils, helps in the proper secretion of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach, thereby stimulating digestion and peristaltic motion
Helps prevent and cure smallpox
Helps regulate proper menstrual cycles and reduces the associated pain during a woman’s period
Prevents vision disorders, macular degeneration and it reduces strain and stress on the eyes
Protects the eyes from contagious diseases like conjunctivitis
Regulates the proper assimilation and absorption of sugar and the resulting drops in the sugar level in the blood


Contains its own unique combination of phytonutrients—including the flavonoids rutin, quercitin, and various kaempferol glycosides—that give it strong antioxidant activity
Anethole—the primary component of its volatile oil, has repeatedly been shown to reduce inflammation and to help prevent the occurrence of cancer
Vitamins, such as pantothenic acid, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin
The dietary fiber in fennel limits cholesterol build-up, absorbs water in the digestive system, and helps eliminate carcinogens from the colon, possibly preventing colon cancer
Iron and histidine, an amino acid found in fennel, are both helpful in treatment of anemia
Chewing fennel seeds after meals is done to facilitate digestion and to eliminate bad breath
Very popular as an antiflatulent
Eliminates damaging LDL cholesterol, which is a major factor in heart disease, artherosclerosis, and strokes
Fennel seed extract has been found to be preventative of various breast cancer and liver cancer strains
Relaxes the tension of blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure
Potassium can help increase brain function and cognitive abilities through this quality. Also, fennel is a vasodilator, which means more oxygen reaches the brain and neural activity can work at optimal functionality
Helpful in curing diarrhea if it is caused by bacterial infection
Polymeric and heavy molecules are useful in the treatment of Renal Colic
Improves general immune system health-Vitamin C
Eases and regulates menstruation by properly regulating hormonal action in the body
Helps increase the size of the breasts as they increase the formation of new cells and tissues in the breast
Helps protect the eyes from inflammation, as well as helping to reduce disorders related to premature aging and macular degeneration
Useful in respiratory disorders such congestion, bronchitis, and cough due to the presence of Cineole and Anetol which are expectorant in nature


A short list of incompatible foods:

Milk with meat
Salt and milk
Cheese and fruit
Fruit with milk
Stale food (including leftovers)
Fish with yogurt or milk
Milk and yogurt in excess
Excessive intake of wet, green, leafy veggies (like spinach) or salads
Excessive amounts of pickled or fermented foods
Ice cream at night
Improper seasonal diet
Avoid cold or iced drinks during or directly after a meal
Always use raw, uncooked honey. Baking with honey or heating it in general turns it into a sticky glue that clogs the body’s channels and produces toxins. This includes having honey in your tea or drinking something hot after eating honey.

Ayurvedic Tea- A Detoxing Turmeric Tea

1 Quart boiling water
1-2 Tablespoons thinly sliced ginger
1 Tablespoon thinly sliced fresh turmeric ( or ½ -1 tsp  ground)
1-2 teaspoons coriander seeds
1-2 teaspoons cumin seeds
1-2 teaspoons fennel seeds
1-2  bags ( or Tablespoon)  green tea, mint tea, ginger tea, yerba,
squeeze of lemon

Place all ingredients in a french press, let stand 5 minutes before plunging. Refill press one more time with boiling water. Try to drink a total of two quarts in a day.
Alternatively, simmer all ingredients together for 5 minutes in a pot. Strain, before drinking.

This “daily drink” – sipped throughout the day – detoxes the body and organs, while revving up the metabolism.  It has energizing and cleansing qualities.

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