Some study by Georgia state-university found that ginger is able and effective to eliminate or reduce size of prostate tumor up to fifty six percent in mice.
PLoS published new study of ginger component and known as 6-shogaol superior to treat cancer meditation conventionally. One way is fully ensure that human body is cancer free to eliminate and destroy cancer stem cell within a tumor. The study found that ginger known as 6-shogaol is very active when its comes to anti cancer stem behavior.
The pungent constituent is produced when its root dry and cooked in common use of ginger.
Study published found that ginger is 10,000 more powerful than Chemotherapy when treating breast cancer malignancy.
A study by the Georgia State University has found that ginger can decrease the size of a prostate tumour by 56%.
Through modest research it is found that the Blueberries is both a kind of vegetable and fruit, we can eat it through our own choice. According to famous society of American cancer, it is proved that with blueberries risk of cancer will be much lower and it is effective for cancer patients. Growth of cancer cells also stop because of blueberries.
Leafy Greens
Green leafy vegetables may help prevent bladder cancer
Curb all sorts of cancers
Onions and Garlic
According to studies conducted by Italian researchers, people who have a diet rich in onions and garlic have a significantly lower risk of developing certain cancers.
An increased daily consumption of onions, garlic, and other allium species like chives and leeks significantly reduced the chances of cancer cells developing in the mouth, larynx, esophagus, colon, breast, ovary, and kidneys.
A moderate consumption of onions was found to lower the risk of laryngeal, colorectal, and ovarian cancers. Its anti-cancer effects are notably greater when more onions were consumed. As for garlic, a moderate consumption has been associated with lowering the chances of developing colorectal and renal cell cancers. People who ate more of this herb have been found to have a decreased risk of contracting all cancers.
If you can consume garlic and onions as close to raw as possible, you’ll reap more of the nutritional benefits. In addition, chop or crush garlic and allow it to sit for two minutes before using. Never microwave your antioxidant-rich foods since the process decreases the antioxidant content by more than 75% in just one minute.
Honey and Cinnamon
It may prove helpful in reducing the chances of cancer by eliminating free radicals.
Consumption of dates can reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Fennel Seed Extract
The findings regarding cancer protection are quite impressive. It shows that the extract can not only inhibit the growth of tumors, thanks to its concentrations of flavonoids, alkaloids, and phenols, but that it can even be somewhat chemo-protective against the harmful effects of radiation during cancer treatment.
Fennel seed extract has been found to be preventative of various breast cancer and liver cancer strains.
According to research, saffron can help aid in a person's fight with cancer. Cancer cells grow by building and creating their own blood supply in the body. Saffron is thought to help fight cancer by entering the cancer cells and sending them a signal to commit suicide (known as Apoptosis), thus leading to the cancer dying off. Saffron contains Carotenoids which are thought to cause toxic and deadly reactions to certain cancer cells in the body, such as leukemia cells, sarcoma cells, and cancerous carcinoma cells.
One of the lesser known qualities of nutmeg is its potential use against cancerous cells. Studies have shown that a certain methanolic compound in nutmeg and its essential oil can actually induce cell death (apoptosis) in leukemia cells, thereby stopping the spread and metastasis of this terrible variety of cancer that commonly afflicts children.
Herbs that prevent lung cancer
SKULLCAP (Scutellaria barbata): belongs to mint family and found in Asia. In many research this have been proven that SKULLCAP shown action against lung cancer and also in many other cancer like stomach and intestines.
Arjuna: is an Ayurvedic herb and found in Himalayas, Taking Arjuna will help you in preventing Lung cancer.
Green Tea: is a chemopreventive agent against lung cancer, it also helps you in your weight loss.
Fish oils: can be found in a market in the form of capsules. In fish oil omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are present that help in reduce inflammation in the body. Fish oils are also anti-inflammatory agents for lung cancer prevention.
ASTRAGALUS (Huang Qi): a Chinese herb which help in boosting immune system. It also helps immune system to identify damage cells. It also help in AIDS and cancer prevention.
CAT´S CLAW (Uncaria tormentosa): It is an excellent substitute of astragalus, curcumin and Echinacea. In research found that it will reduces the size of tumor and also helpful in reduction of side effect of chemo and radiation.
CURCUMIN (Turmeric): Most common Indian herb, used in daily routine meals. Curcumin is a best anti-agent herb for cancer. In Ayurveda it’s used in much mediation from many years. It helps in reduction of tumor cell and also inhibit blood supply tumor.
RED CLOVER: In many research found that red clover is helpful in tumor. Good anti- agent herb for cancer.
Broccoli is highly concentrated with antioxidants, fiber, flavonoids etc. The antioxidants present in the green vegetable help in minimizing the destruction caused by free radical cells and also decrease the growth of cancerous cells. Use steamed broccoli as steaming keeps the flavonoids in the vegetable safe.
Combining cooked tomatoes with broccoli has been shown to offer cancer preventative properties higher than either food alone.
Other anticancer compounds are sulfur-based sulforaphane and the naturally occurring precursor glucoraphanin.
Broccoli sprouts have 20 to 50 times the glucoraphanin to sulforaphane capacity of regular broccoli.
Brazilian Nuts
If nuts are consumed daily, they can be very beneficial and healthy for the body as a whole. Being rich in selenium and anti-oxidants, nuts are very useful in fighting cancer. The selenium assists the cancerous cells to wither away themselves and helps in the repair of DNA.
Lemonade and various other citrus fruits are very beneficial for health. The high concentration of vitamin C in lemon prevents the occurrence of cancer. A daily intake of this tangy beverage helps to keep the lungs and throat cancer free.
The free radicals present in the body cause destruction of healthy cells and encourage the growth of cancerous cells. The antioxidants along with flavonoids present in blueberries prevent the damage and neutralize the effect of highly unstable atoms.
Mushrooms boost the immunity system of the body and help it fight against cancer. There are various types of mushrooms, but the ‘reishi’ mushrooms work best to minimize the effect of malignant tumors. The levels of haemoglobin are regulated by mushrooms, which reduces the risk of cancer.
Artichokes contain an antioxidant called silymarin, which can help prevent epidermis cancer. The skin of the artichokes should be peeled properly and the spiky edges should be removed. Artichokes should then be boiled until they are soft. The leaves should be dipped in a sauce to get a good taste.
Green Tea
Organic green tea is very healthy and beneficial for health if consumed on a daily basis. Green tea holds various cancer fighting properties and the antioxidants prevents the destruction of cells. Green tea is highly effective towards skin breast cancer etc. and the sucrose levels are highly regulated as well.
Wild Salmon
An incorporation of wild salmon in a daily diet can prevent the occurrence of cancer. Wild Salmon contains omega fatty acids and is low in fats and calories. Wild Salmon can help prevent prostate cancer. Vitamin D present is Salmon helps to constrict the blood vessels and stops the growth of cancerous cells.
Vitamin C is highly appreciated as a cancer fighting antioxidant and neutralizes the effect of free radicals. The folates, carotenoids and vitamin E etc. help reducing the effects of cancer. The kiwi fruit contains all these nutrients and can help the body protect itself against cancer.
Fully ripe banana produces a substance TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) or tumor necrosis factor, which has the ability to fight against cells that behave abnormally.
As the banana ripens, develops dark dots per se. The more pixels there are, the more enriched cells that develop immunity.
At this stage of maturation, the bananas are good for digestion since the sugar in the bananas is then easily absorbed, as opposed to the less ripe bananas when they are difficult to digest because the starch has not yet been converted to sugar.
The proportion of anticancer effect corresponds with the level of maturity of the fruit. The more mature a banana is, the more has anti-cancer qualities it has.
In the research, compared with grapes, apples, watermelons, pineapples and pears, bananas contained most anticancer agents.
Red Wine
Protecting from prostate Cancer
A study published in the June 2007 issue of Harvard Men's Health Watch reported that male moderate red wine drinkers were 52% as likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer as men who never drank red wine.
They defined moderate drinking as an average of four to seven glasses of red wine per week.
Initially, the Seattle researchers looked at general alcohol consumption and found no link to prostate cancer risk. However, when they went one step further and looked at different alcoholic beverages, they identified a clear association between red wine drinking and lower prostate cancer risk.
Even extremely moderate red wine consumption (one glass per week) reduced men's risk of prostate cancer by 6%, the authors informed.
Baking Soda
Taking one teaspoon of baking soda and lemon juice in 250 ml water, few times a day will successfully lowers acidity in the body.
It is required to lower acidity levels in our bodies. Because cancer cells don’t grow in an alkaline environment.
Sanguinaria Canadensis (bloodroot)
The important alkaloid Sanguinarin is contained in this seasonal herb. He doesn’t destroy the healthy cells and has great capacity to destroy cancerous cells.
It is used orally and externally against skin cancer and also helps in fightint against other forms of cancer.
Chaga Mushroom
This is a fungus whose healing effect has been studied for years. It was revealed that it has the capacity to modulate the immune system and has anti-carcinogenic properties.
Vitamin D
Monitoring the amount of vitamin D in the blood can help to prevent cancer and also it can help a lot in the battle against cancer.
Potion of Essiac Tea
The original recipe is very old which natives Indians used it hundreds of years ago.
This tea is a mix of few diverse anticancer plants and plants that remove toxins from our body. That is all that a patient who suffers from cancer needs. All they need to do is to consume Essiac tea few times a day.
Flaxseed Oil and Young Unpressed Cheese
Doctor Joanna Budvig from Germany, biochemist and a doctor, is a woman who has conceived treating cancer naturally with a 90 % healing rate, curing method that she has practiced for 50 years.
The combination of young unpressed cheese and flaxseed oil supplies the body with lipoproteins and necessary fatty acids that cut down the tumor and rebuild the balance of the body.
Oil of Cannabis – Cannabis Sativa
Cannabis oil contains important cannabinoids which kill the cancerous cells. Just like other herbs they don’t destroy the healthy cells.
85 percent of the world population have very low ammounts of iodine in our body. Because of this, increases the quantity and production of estrogen in the body.
Therefore we often have to check the amount of iodine in the blood. (this check is important because doesn’t allow estrogen to create a mutation of the cells which leads to increased ability of creation of a tumor or cyst)
Apricot Seeds
Dry apricot seeds contain important vitamin B17, also called laetril, which fights against cancer and against growth of cancer cells.
There is one tribe in Pakistan which they have never heard about cancer because they have planted many apricot trees and they eat everyday apricot seeds.
Broccoli Stems
This vegetable has anticancer properties, and was demonstrated that the broccoli stems have a hundred times more protein than other similar vegetables.
They contain sulforaphane which reduces spreading and growth of cancer cells in the body and also kills them and this action is shown in many cancers.
Sweet Potato Green
The Anti-Cancer Superfood: In a new study, researchers discovered that an extract of sweet potato leaves was extremely toxic to human lung cancer cells, killing 94% of them in vitro. The extract was also highly toxic to liver and stomach cancer cells. Other research has shown that these super-greens are also active against breast cancer, colon cancer, and leukemia.
These greens are one of the most alkalizing vegetables out there, delivering 400% the alkalizing power of pure lemon juice, ounce for ounce.
Cruciferous Veggies
cruciferous vegetables have the ability to resist cancer cells from developing or impede their growth once formed.
Out of those cruciferous vegetables, which include broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage and bok choy among others, broccoli has shown the most consistent and pronounced anticancer effects with testing.
Black Pepper
Black pepper contains the antioxidant piperine, making it a smart choice over table salt when seasoning food. A study conducted at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center showed that black pepper, with turmeric, inhibited growth of cancerous stem cells in breast tumors.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle seeds contain a powerful phytonutrient called, silymarin, which is increasingly being recognized for its’ wide-range of anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative and protective effects against various drugs and toxins.
A 2010 study done in Switzerland evaluated a number of essential oils against MCF-7 breast cancer cells, A-549 lung cancer cells, and PC-3 prostate cancer cells. It was found that thyme essential oil exhibited the strongest cytotoxicity toward all three types of human cancer cells. This is likely due to the active compound thymol, which has been shown to activate a number of cancer-killing mechanisms.
Cod Liver Oil
Cod-liver oil is very rich in vitamin D -- a nutritional element that is very important to slowing the growth of tumors and supporting the immune system -- and also in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that are commonly found in oily fish. Omega-3s contribute to reducing inflammation in the body, and thus reduces the growth of tumors and the new blood vessels that they need in order to spread (angiogenesis).
Due to being an adaptogen, this herb is used for literally hundreds of ailments in Ayurvedic medicine. It ‘intuits’ where your body needs support and provides it. Ashwagandha increases our resistance to stress while increasing energy levels, freeing up the body’s systems to scavenge rouge cells.
According to research conducted on the herb, ashwagandha helps in the slowing down of the growth of the cancer cells and inhibits the growth of tumor cells without harming the good cells.
Bitter Melon
Scientists have found that the warty green fruit used in ancient Chinese medicine, restricts the ability of pancreatic cancer cells to metabolise glucose, cutting the cells’ energy source and eventually killing them.
According to a study in the Journal of Natural Medicines, berberine slowed the growth of human colorectal carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo.
The journal Biomaterials published research that demonstrated berberine’s effectiveness in reducing the recurrence of breast cancer, which is associated with drug-resistant cancer stem cells (CSCs).
Berberine also brings about cancer cell death in human melanoma, pancreatic and prostate cancer, while inhibiting liver, lung, ovarian and thyroid cancer metastasis.
A research which was done by Italian researchers showed that three cups of coffee a day can reduce the risk of liver cancer by 50%.
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