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Sunday, May 13, 2018

Essential Nutrients for Vegans

Vitamin K (Activator X)

RDA: Between 45 mcg and 185 mcg daily for adults
For MK4, research suggests that 45 mg/day is needed to provide a pharmacological dose. And for MK7, the amount most recognized as ideal (again, for pharmacological purposes) is 320 mcg/day. (Note the distinction between mg and mcg. 1 mg = 1000 mcg)

So for a nutritional amount of MK4, we believe that we have to get above 500 mcg daily (and more likely approach 1500 mcg [1.5 mg] daily) to see results.

On the other hand, the research for MK7 indicates that somewhere between 100 – 200 mcg of MK7 daily seems to provide consistent results in participants.

Deficiencies of this vitamin aren't very common, since your body stores extra vitamin K in your liver and fat cells until it is needed, and bacteria in your digestive tract make small amounts of this vitamin as well.

Green Juice
Spinach           half cup of raw spinach  72.4 mcg
Kale (Raw) 1 cup 1" pieces, loosely packed 112.77 mcg
broccoli (raw) 1 cup chopped                          92.46  mcg
Celery                1/2 cup                 18 mcg
Moringa                    10g             160 mcg
Wheatgrass                8 g               80 mcg
Spirulina              3g                      60 mcg
Barley Grass Powder 4g                100%

The Two Basic Types of Vitamin K – K1 and K2
Vitamin K can be classified as either K1 or K2:

Vitamin K1: Found in green vegetables, K1 goes directly to your liver and helps you maintain a healthy blood clotting system. (This is the kind of K that infants need to help prevent a serious bleeding disorder.)
It is also vitamin K1 that keeps your own blood vessels from calcifying, and helps your bones retain calcium and develop the right crystalline structure.

Vitamin K2: Bacteria produce this type of vitamin K. It is present in high quantities in your gut, but unfortunately most is passed out in your stool. K2 goes straight to vessel walls, bones and tissues other than your liver.

It is present in fermented foods, particularly cheese and the Japanese food natto, which is by far the richest source of K2.

Vitamin K1 can convert to K2 in your body, but there are some problems with this; the amount of K2 produced by this process alone is typically insufficient. Making matters even more complex, there are several different forms of vitamin K2. MK-8 and MK-9 come primarily from dairy products. MK-4 and MK-7 are the two most significant forms of K2 and act very differently in your body:

MK-4 is a synthetic product, very similar to vitamin K1, and your body is capable of converting K1 into MK-4. However, MK-4 has a very short biological half-life of about one hour, making it a poor candidate as a dietary supplement.
After reaching your intestines, it remains mostly in your liver, where it is useful in synthesizing blood-clotting factors.

MK-7 is a newer agent with more practical applications because it stays in your body longer; its half-life is three days, meaning you have a much better chance of building up a consistent blood level, compared to MK-4 or K1. MK-7 is extracted from the Japanese fermented soy product called natto.
You could actually get loads of MK-7 from consuming natto

  • Vitamin K2 is the principal form of vitamin K that the brain uses.
  • Vitamin K2 (MK-4) was found to represent greater than 98% of total vitamin K in the brain, irrespective of age

  • Vitamin K2 helps transport electrons in the mitochondria, similar to ubiquinone, which helps boost mitochondrial function and create energy.
  • Vitamin K2  can prevent glutathione depleted neuronal death in cultured neurons.

Vitamin K2, particularly menaquinone-7 (MK-7), has been the subject of extensive research because it stays active in your body longer enabling your body to benefit from much lower levels

Vitamin K2 works synergistically with a number of other nutrients, including calcium and vitamin D; one of its biological roles is to help move calcium into the proper areas in your body, such as your bones and teeth

MK-7 is found in high levels in the fermented soybean-based food called natto

Vitamin K has a plethora of potential implications, including prevention and treatment of arterial calcifications, coronary heart disease and cancer, improvements in bone strength and reduced risks of fractures as well as improvements in insulin sensitivity

Can Increase Testosterone Levels
Experts from Japan’s Tohoku University K2 Testosterone researched the effects of the MK-4 version
Direct Sources:  Cheese

Other Sources:
Vitamin K1 from greens is comverted into mk4
Food Sources of Vitamin K1 (mcg)
Collards, frozen, boiled, ½ cup 530 662
Turnip greens, frozen, boiled ½ cup 426 532
Spinach, raw, 1 cup 145 181
Kale, raw, 1 cup 113 141
Broccoli, chopped, boiled, ½ cup 110 138
Soybeans, roasted, ½ cup 43 54
Carrot juice, ¾ cup 28 34
Edamame, frozen, prepared, ½ cup 21 26
Pumpkin, canned, ½ cup 20 25
Pomegranate juice, ¾ cup 19 24
Okra, raw, ½ cup 16 20
Salad dressing, Caesar, 1 tablespoon 15 19
Pine nuts, dried, 1 ounce 15 19
Blueberries, raw, ½ cup 14 18
Iceberg lettuce, raw, 1 cup 14 18

Vitamin K1 travels to our livers more effectively than it does to our bones or blood vessels. The liver is where we use Vitamin K to make the proteins involved in blood clotting. It is also converted in unknown quantities to Vitamin K2 MK-4.

One of the most noteworthy aspects of vitamin K2 is the interaction it has with vitamin D.
For anyone who is supplementing with vitamin D, I would say that adding vitamin K2 is essential.
Let’s take a look at why.

  • Firstly, vitamin D is a key player in skeletal health through its role in helping increase absorption of calcium.
  • In other words, we absorb more calcium from our food – a good thing!
  • Equally important, though, is where that calcium is going.
  • Recent research shows that vitamin D does not instruct where calcium goes within the body.
  • As excess calcium can lead to arterial calcification, it’s important to stop its deposition in places where we don’t want it to be. That is the job of vitamin K2.

Aside from giving calcium intelligence, vitamin K2 plays an important role in lots of other body functions as well. It:

Supports whole body health by optimizing sex hormones
Helps to stabilize blood sugar by keeping us sensitive to insulin
It even helps our bodies produce a healthy genetic expression to avoid cancer

MK4 & MK7
The problem is that while MK-4 in food like grassfed butter, high vitamin butter oil, and pastured egg yolks is real and ideal, the MK-4 contained in supplements is synthetically derived the same as most vitamin C supplements are synthetic. Incidentially, folic acid is synthetic too (you really want folate).

The MK-4 in supplements is synthetic. It is not the same MK-4 as found in grassfed butter, eggs, goose liver, gouda cheese or emu oil.

MK4 is found most commonly in animal products, and it is most likely the nutrient that Dr Weston Price identified as ‘activator X’ during his studies and travels around the world researching indigenous peoples and their native diets. Dr Price noticed that many tribes tended to eat certain foods in specific combinations, and although the exact foods varied from place to place, we now see that these foods are all high in MK4.

Some of the food sources with the highest levels of MK4 are goose liver and dark meat from chicken/goose. While much less potent, even pastured egg yolks are a decent source of MK4 (and duck eggs even better).

So, if you’re looking for support to live a cavity-free life, MK7 may be the better choice. On the other hand, if you’re simply looking for more support for soft tissues and hormones, you might choose to go with MK4 instead.

You need both MK-4 and MK-7 (particularly MK-4)
These are very different molecules with different structures and different functions.

MK-4 is the only K2 in the brain, where it seems to concentrate. MK-7 seems to be absent in the brain. MK-4 activates proteins involved in maintaining structure of brain cell membranes. These proteins are called Vitamin K Dependent Proteins (VKDP). Scientists have identified 15 VKDP proteins so far.

 MK-4 also supports healthy inflammation response and oxidative stress in the brain.

The form of Vitamin K that exists at the highest concentrations in tissues of animals and humans is menaquinone-4 (MK-4.) MK-4 accounts for about 40% and the remainder comprise mainly MK-9, MK-8, and MK-7, in that order. So you could say MK-7 is the fourth most important Vitamin K2.

MK-4 and MK-7 are transported in the body by different lipoproteins. MK-4 is transported by HDL and LDL whereas MK-7 is transported around the body by VLDL.

Based on all of the above, you could make a compelling argument that MK-4 is much more important than MK-7.

Our understanding of these various forms of K2 is still in its infancy. The longer K2 molecules like MK-8 thru MK-14 may also be essential in trace levels. Some of them have been associated with heart health, but once again, we simply don’t know enough to say what each of these molecules do.

It may take another generation of research for us to accept that K2 is really K Complex. Like B Complex.

Marketers and manufacturers of MK-7 say it’s better than MK-4.

Plasma half-life. They keep repeating the fact that MK-7 has a much longer plasma half-life than MK-4. This is true – but it’s a self-serving argument. MK-4 is rapidly soaked up by many organs and tissues, so it will be quickly removed from the blood.

Think about it this way: throw a fistful of $100 bills into the air at a packed football game. You won’t see any bills on the stadium floor after a few seconds. Does that mean no one has money?

A short plasma half-life his does NOT make MK-4 useless, redundant or any less beneficial to your health. The plasma half life does not make a molecule more or less effective in the body. MK-4 is stored in the brain, pancreas, salivary glands, and arteries. This stored MK-4 cannot be measured and has specific biological activities in these tissues (beside Gla-protein formation.) This stored tissue pool of MK-4 may be present much longer.

dietary iron intake of 8.7mg (milligrams) per day
19.3–20.5 mg/day in men

-----------JGB 8.5 mg
              Raw Fit 1 mg
              Sun Warrior 1 mg
              Raw Fusion .5 mg
              Spirulina      2 mg
              Wheatgrass                         4g -- 8mg
              Legumes                                     4 mg
              Quinoa Sure                                1 mg
              Hemp                 1 tbsp                1.6 mg
              Beet Juice --      4 beets --           4 mg
              Kale powder      2 tbsp    10%    1.9 mg
              Moringa             1 tbsp               1.4 mg
              Chlorella            1 tbsps 3 g        3 mg

Some of the most common types of legumes are beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas and soybeans.
They're a great source of iron, especially for vegetarians. One cup (198 grams) of cooked lentils contains 6.6 mg, which is 37% of the RDI

(28-gram) 1/3 cup serving of pumpkin seeds contains 4.2 mg of iron

Dark Chocolate A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving contains 3.3 mg of iron

Cocoa 2 Tbsp 1.4 mg

As of 2001, the last time iron recommendations were updated by the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB), there wasn’t enough information to base an Upper Limit on concerns about chronic disease, so the current Upper Limit of 45 mg/day of iron for adults is based on the level that causes digestive pain.

Iron deficiency anemia is normally treated with 100–200 mg/day of iron for 4–6 months

Iron is a part of that blood-oxygen delivery system, and without proper levels of iron, you may begin to feel the weakening effects of low iron: tired all of the time, pale, listless and irritable.

Few people realize that iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency and the most common cause of anemia in the U.S.

The two forms of dietary iron are Heme Iron and Non-Heme Iron:

Heme iron is found only in meat, poultry, seafood, and fish, so heme iron is the type of iron that comes from animal proteins in our diet.

Non-heme iron, by contrast, is found in plant-based foods like grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. But don’t make the mistake of assuming it’s only in plants. Non-heme iron is also found in animal products such as eggs or milk/dairy and it is also comprises more than half the iron contained in animal meat.

Absorption of heme iron ranges from 15-35% whereas non-heme iron absorption is 2-20%.

In addition, heme iron absorption is efficient and not significantly affected by what is eaten concurrently. However, absorption of non-heme iron is influenced by several dietary factors making what is eaten with a food rich in non-heme iron, important.

Non-Heme Iron Supplements. Whether you're vegetarian or vegan, if the idea of swallowing an animal based (heme) iron supplement doesn't sit well with you, don't worry. You can add a non-heme iron supplement to your diet in the form of ferrous sulfate, or if you prefer a gentler option, carbonyl iron

The average requirement for iron may be 30%–70% higher for those who engage in regular, intense endurance exercise, especially running. This is due to red blood cell destruction during and gastrointestinal blood loss after running. But, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the RDA for runners should be 30–70% higher as the RDA provides a buffer above the average iron requirement.

Iron Content of Plant Foods
The table below shows a range of plant foods including those richest in iron.

Iron Content of Plant Foods

Food                               Serving                 mg
Spirulina                                  2T                         4
Soybeans (cooked)                 1 cup                8.8
Cashews                                   1 cup                      8.22
Tofu                                         1/2 C                      6.6
Dried Fruit                               1 C                         6.5
Pumpkin seeds                         1 oz                        4.2
Molasses                         2 T                        3.8
Lentils boiled                 1/2 C                3.3
Spinach chopped, boiled 1/2 C                3.2
Whole Grains                           1 C                         2.8
Cocoa                                      2 T                          1.4

What is elemental iron?

If you’ve shopped for iron supplements you may have noticed two different amounts of iron listed on the same package. The higher number is the total amount of iron in the supplement. The second, smaller number is the amount of elemental iron.

Elemental iron is the total amount of iron in the supplement available for absorption by your body. Each type of iron has a different percent of elemental iron. For instance:

Carbonyl has 100% elemental iron.
Ferrous fumarate has approximately 33% elemental iron.
Ferrous sulfate has 20% elemental iron.
Ferrous gluconate has 12% elemental iron.

Blood Tests
The two most common blood tests performed for iron deficiency anemia are:

1. A blood test that measures hemoglobin

2. A blood test that measures percent of red blood cells

The recommended iodine intake for adults is 140 micrograms per day
Opti Men 150 mcg Potassium Iodide
Spirulina  ?? 10% 15 mcg

Low iodine levels or other forms of 'underactive' thyroid:
Lethargy and tiredness, muscular weakness and constant fatigue.
Feeling cold (even on warm days)
Difficulty concentrating, slowed mental processes and poor memory.
Unusual weight gain.

The amount you get from spirulina varies. A serving of spirulina can contain from 16 micrograms, or about 10 percent of your daily need, up to over 15,000 micrograms, or over 1,000 percent of what you need each day.

Sea Vegetables
The ocean hosts the largest storehouse of iodine foods, including Kelp, Arame, Hiziki, Kombu, and Wakame. Kelp has the highest amount of iodine of any food on the planet and just one serving offers 4 times the daily minimum requirement.

1 tablespoon of Kelp contains about 2000/mcg of iodine
1 tablespoon of Arame contains about 730/mcg of iodine
1 tablespoon of Hiziki contains about 780/mcg of iodine
1 one inch piece of Kombu contains about 1450/mcg of iodine
1 tablespoon of Wakame contains about 80/mcg of iodine

Potatoes, 1 medium, 60mcg
Prunes, 5 whole, 13mcg
Bananas, 1 medium, 3mcg
Corn, ½ cup, 14 mcg
Cranberries, 4 ounces, 400mcg

Calcium -- Good n natural
For men ages 25-65: 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day

Raw fit   180 mg
sun warrior 60 mg

Green Juice
Spinach 1/3 pack   100 mg
Kale  1/3 pack       150 mg
Celery  3 Stalks       80 mg
Acelga 3 leaves        74 mg

Kale powder          2 tbsp    10% 100 mg
Moringa                 1 tbsp 3 g   80 mg
Chlorella Powder    3 tbsp10g  22 mg

Good n natural 
calcium carbonate
calcium gluconate

Calcium is a mineral necessary for bone and teeth. It also plays a role in muscle function, nerve signaling and heart health.

Plant sources of calcium include bok choy, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, watercress, broccoli, chickpeas, calcium-set tofu and fortified plant milks or juices.

EXTRA FIRM TOFU, 3 OUNCES: 100 MG – 150 MG (10-15%)
Almond butter 2 Tbsp 111 mg
100 mg of calcium Turnip greens, kale, or broccoli, ½ cup cooked
1 cup cooked Spinach – 245 mg
1 medium orange 49 mg

 Soy milk/ Almond Milk  1 cup Calcium 45%
Tofu ( ¼ block) = 160 mg
Turnip Greens (1 cup, raw) = 105 mg
Kale ( 1 cup, raw) = 90 mg
Almonds (1/4 cup, unsalted) = 70 mg
Beet Greens (1 cup, raw) = 45 mg
Broccoli ( 1cup, raw) = 41 mg
Spinach (1 cup, raw) = 30 mg

melaza   2 Tbsp 200 mg
The most common forms of molasses are made from either sugar cane or sugar beet juice which is boiled down to a syrup.
Molasses can also be made from sorghum, pomegranate, carob, and dates
Blackstrap molasses contains vital vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6, and selenium.
Likewise,while blackstrap molasses is a good source of calcium, regular
molasses is not.
Blackstrap molasses is a byproduct of sugar cane's refining process. Sugar cane is mashed to create juice, and then boiled once to create cane syrup. A second boiling creates molasses. After this syrup has been boiled a third time, a dark viscous liquid emerges known to Americans as blackstrap molasses.

Calcium Carbonate
It holds one of the highest concentrations of elemental calcium (35-40%). However it is not high in bioavailability. (Bioavailability refers to the amount of calcium in the supplement that can be absorbed and assimilated by the digestive system. This makes it actually usable for cellular activity and health benefits.)
Be sure to avoid this form

Calcium Citrate
well absorbed and tolerated by most people. It has been proven to help bone density and the citrate may help to prevent kidney stones.
this type of calcium to be better absorbed than the carbonate form. It does, however, have less elemental calcium concentration (20%), and again, low bioavailability.

Calcium Phosphate, Calcium Lactate, and Calcium Gluconate are forms of calcium with a lot of “bioavailability” promotion in ads. Unfortunately, they have very low levels of actual calcium in each supplement tablet. Therefore it is necessary to take a large number of tablets to consume an adequate amount of calcium every day to reach normal calcium requirements (as well as a higher price) and the bioavailability is still not certain.

Calcium Citrate Malate

Calcium Orotate
The most effective form of calcium supplement, created through the use of the mineral salts of orotic acid.

Calcium ascorbate
This is generally not as easily absorbed as the citrate forms

Calcium carbonate (40 percent elemental calcium)          with food
Calcium citrate (21 percent elemental calcium)       with/without food
Calcium gluconate (9 percent elemental calcium)
Calcium lactate (13 percent elemental calcium)

The most common and least expensive type of supplemental calcium available is calcium carbonate. Although the citrate form is a bit more expensive, it is more easily absorbed

Zinc--Good n natural
recommended daily zinc intakes are 7mg (milligrams) for women and 9.5mg for men
25 mg

Seed Butter
Sunflower seeds                   100 g         5 mg
Pumpkin  Seeds                    2.9mg      1 oz (85 seeds) (28g)
nutritional yeast                     6 mg   in     4  tbsps
Almonds                               50 g         1 mg                                         
cashews                              100 g          6 mg

7 servings   3 mg per serving

Chlorella Powder 10g  7.1 mg

Maca 3 tbsp 1mg
Soy milk 1 cup Zinc              8%
100 g roasted 5 mg soybeans

Chlorella Powder 10g  7.1 mg
Image result for chlorella powder nutritional chart

Zinc deficiencies can result in: loss of hair, more susceptibility to colds and the flu, hormone imbalances, acne, and even change how the body uses and handles insulin in the body. Zinc assists with carbohydrate metabolism, efficient production of testosterone to prevent estrogen dominance, helps enhance the skin and nails, helps enhance your sense of smell, healthy growth, healthy eyesight, wound healing, and a well-functioning immune system.

A deficiency in zinc can lead to stunted growth, diarrhea, impotence, hair loss, eye and skin lesions, impaired appetite, and depressed immunity.

Types of Zinc

Best 2 

Chelated Zinc. This form of zinc has undergone a process called chelation, whereby the organic molecules have been given an electrical charge that allows them to positively attract the charged mineral (in this case zinc)
“Chelated” minerals are among the mineral supplements touted for their improved absorption.

Zinc Orotate (best)
Zinc that has been chelated to orotic acid. The human body’s cellular membranes most readily absorb this type of zinc.

Other Zincs
Zinc Picolinate
has the highest absorption rate of all

Zinc Gluconate

Zinc Acetate

Zinc Oxide
Zinc sulfate and zinc oxide are among the most popular types of zinc to be sold, but they are definitely not the best. The largest portion of these two zinc varieties simply flush out of the body without much cellular absorption. So these supplements may increase a body's burden instead of lightening it. In the particular case of zinc oxide, it is a widely-known carcinogen in sunscreens. This is a dirty industry secret, and sunscreens are the main reason why sunlight has been falsely maligned to cause skin cancers. Especially avoid zinc oxide.

Zinc Sulfate

Zinc supplementation for vegetarians: zinc will reduce their absorption of iron, and will increase their already elevated chance of developing anemia. However, the National Institutes of Health disagrees, and suggests that vegetarians get 50% more zinc than non-vegetarians, because zinc is one of the many things that vegetarians tend to have a deficiency of.

Some types of zinc that are best absorbed include:
zinc citrate
zinc acetate
zinc picolinate

Oatmeal cooked 1 cup 2.3 mg
Tofu firm, raw 1/2 cup 2.0
Cashews dry roasted 1/4 cup 1.9
Sunflower seeds roasted 1/4 cup 1.7
Garbanzo beans boiled 1/2 cup 1.3
Lentils boiled 1/2 cup 1.3
Peanuts raw 1/4 cup 1.2
Almonds whole 1/4 cup 1.1
chia seeds  dried  1 oz 1.0
Hemp Seeds - 3mg (20% DV) in 3 tbsp
Pumpkin  Seeds - 2.9mg (20% DV) in 1 oz (85 seeds) (28g)
nutrtional yeast            3 mg   in     2  tbsps
Spinach     100g     .5 mg

hemp protein 10g  1 Tbsp 11%
Opti Men 15 mg Zinc Oxide
good n natural  zinc oxide zinc citrate 25 mg

The Role of Zinc In the Body. Zinc is a master-mineral of sorts (along with magnesium), and is needed for many reactions within the body. Unlike fat soluble vitamins, zinc is not stored for long periods of time in the body, so we need a constant supply of quality zinc from diet.

Magnesium--Good n natural
RDA 400 mg

Dark chocolate 1 oz. square (28g) 24 mg
1 chocolate  72 mg

cacao powder                 one TBSP     27 milligrams
spirulina                         1 tbsp              13.7 mg
Hemp, chia, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds
1 ounce of pumpkin seed kernels contains 151 mg of magnesium

Soy milk  Magnesium 10%

Spinach 1 cup cooked 39%
Green Juice
Spinach        80 mg
Kale             60 mg
Spirulina      14 mg
wheatgrass   12 mg
moringa 1tbsp 3g  28 mg

Chlorella       10g    31 mg

Soybeans 1 cup cooked 37%
White beans 1 cup cooked 28%
Quinoa 1 cup cooked 26%
Dark chocolate 1 oz. square (28g) 24%
Black-eyed peas 1 cup cooked 23%
Brown rice 1 cup cooked 21%
Chickpeas 1 cup cooked 20%
Cashews 1 oz (28g) 20%
Kale 1 cup cooked 19%
Almonds 1 oz (28g) 19%
Lentils 1 cup cooked 18%

Magnesium Orotate
Magnesium orotate, also called magnesium orotate dihydrate, is the most effective form of magnesium supplement and extremely helpful for addressing deficiencies.

Magnesium stored in body

Omega 3
RDA 250 milligrams EPA & DHA

Vitamin D
It is difficult for anyone to get a daily vitamin D intake of 10mcg from food
400 IU


Recommended daily intakes of selenium for adults are 60mcg (micrograms) for women and 75mcg for men
Optimen 200 mcg Seleniomethionine

Spinach 1 cup: 11 mcg (16% DV)
Brazil nuts 1 oz (6-8 nuts): 544 mcg (over 100% DV)
Mushroom 1/2 cup contains 18 mcg of selenium
Chia  1 oz. contains 15 mcg and provides 28%
1/4 cup of sunflower seeds 19mcg of selenium, 34%
1/4 cup of sesame seeds contains 12mcg of selenium, for 23%
2 tsp. of flaxseed contains 4mcg of selenium, for 7%
100 gm oats  34 mcg

Emerging research shows the synergistic effects of all four fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K. Problems can occur when you don’t get one or more in sufficient amounts. Supplementing with therapeutic doses of vitamin D demands supportive levels of vitamins A, E, and K or you risk deficiencies in one or more of these fat-soluble vitamins

Eating a little "good fat" along with your vegetables helps your body absorb their protective phytochemicals, like lycopene from tomatoes and lutein from dark-green vegetables.

A recent study found that the phytochemicals quercetin (found mainly in apples, onions and berries) and catechin (found mainly in apples, green tea, purple grapes, and grape juice) worked together to help stop platelet clumping.

Three B vitamins (folic acid, vitamin B-6, and B-12) TOGETHER reduce the level of an amino acid that, in high levels, is thought to damage artery linings, leading to heart attacks and strokes.

Test-tube studies have shown that vitamin C and the phytoestrogen found in various fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and beans (including soy) work together to inhibit the oxidation of LDL "bad" cholesterol.

retinoic acid (activated vitamin A) could make calcitriol (activated vitamin D) safe by reducing the dose necessary to achieve the desired effect.  This is, indeed, an entirely logical argument for which they provided convincing preliminary evidence.  But retinoic acid protects against the soft tissue calcification induced by calcitriol even without reducing the dose used, and it does this at least in part by normalizing the production of vitamin K-dependent proteins, which is thrown awry when calcitriol is used alone

Organic curry leaves provide your body with dietary iron, and the amla berries and moringa leaves are high in whole food vitamin C, not synthetic vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Whole food vitamin C actually helps you absorb the iron.


Cofactors needed for assimilation
Vitamin A

Choline, essential fatty acids, zinc, vitamins C, D, and E.

Vitamin B complex

Calcium, vitamins C and E.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Manganese, vitamin B complex, vitamins C and E.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B complex, vitamin C.

Vitamin B3 (niacin)

Vitamin B complex, vitamin C.
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)

Vitamin B complex, vitamins A, C and E.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Potassium, vitamin B complex, vitamin C.

Folic acid, vitamin B complex, vitamin B5

Vitamin B complex, vitamin B12, folic acid, Inositol.


Vitamin B complex, vitamin C.

Vitamin B complex, folic acid, vitamin C.
Vitamin C

Bioflavonoids, calcium, magnesium.
Vitamin D

Calcium, choline, essential fatty acids, phosphorus.
Vitamin E

Essential fatty acids, manganese, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, Inositol, vitamin C

Essential fatty acids

Vitamins A, C, D, and E.

Vitamin Chart

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Mushrooms for Vitality

Image result for mushrooms health reishi chaga cordyceps

Mushrooms are among the most outstanding of nature’s healing foods.

Egyptian hieroglyphics show mushrooms as the plant of immortality, called the “sons of the gods” sent to Earth on lightning bolts and eaten only by nobles and pharaohs.

The Aztecs also had sacred mushrooms called “the flesh of the gods,” which they consumed in holy rituals.

The Vikings are believed to have eaten hallucinogenic mushrooms before battle, which would have produced the ferocious fighting state they are noted for.

Buddhists monks traveling from monastery to monastery spread information about the curative effects of fungi, which they and Taoists priests used in rituals.

Kykeon, an ergot-barley and mint drink was the hallucinogenic potion used by Socrates, Plato and other elite of ancient Greece during the Eleusis festival celebrating birth, regeneration and the return of spring.

Archeological evidence does show that many cultures around the world used these fungi for ritualistic and sacred practices. The earliest depiction of entheogenic mushroom consumption might be a cave painting found in the upper Tassili platueu of northern Algeria that dates to at least 5,000 B.C., if not older.
Since that time, many other cultures around the world have developed rich traditions that utilize psychoactive mushroom species to bring about profound insight into the human predicament.

Energetically: Oriental Medicine believes that healing Mushrooms, remove dead decaying matter from the forest floors, just as in the energy fields of our own body-minds.
Mushrooms such as Reishi, Shiitake and Maitake are the stars of the mushroom realm, they also convert our own metabolic and psychic wastes, transforming our stagnant or festering emotions and negative feelings, offering the opportunity to raising the spirit and freeing the mind toward more spiritual pursuits.

Fungi are recyclers in their natural environment. To feed itself, a fungus breaks down organic matter and at the same time cleans the earth. It transforms dead organic matter; if there were no mushrooms Earth would be densely crowded with dead animals and plants.

Inonotus Obliquus
“King of the Medicinal Mushrooms”
Increases power, energy, stamina, and stimulates healing processes within the body
“Complex living pharmacy” the most alkaline food on Earth
Ensures cells and tissues are strong; repairs DNA, and heals degeneration
Detoxifies (blood and liver)
Highest amount of melanin and helps the body produce more superoxide dismutase (SOD)
  • Superoxide dismutase is an enzyme that helps break down potentially harmful oxygen molecules in cells, which might prevent damage to tissues. It is being researched to see if it can help conditions where oxygen molecules are believed to play a role in disease

They grow in extremely cold forests where they’re exposed to freezing temperatures, snow and ice. Their summers are very hot, which means they experience lots of UV radiation.

Here are a few of the chemicals produced by Chaga that are also biologically active in humans.

  • Melanin
  • Antioxidant enzymes
  • Triterpenoids
  • Ergosterols
  • Sesquiterpenes
  • Betulinic acid
  • Polysaccharides
  • Phytosterols

Its gold core represents the truest alchemical substance in the woods, something that transforms base metals, minerals and human beings into gold (higher levels of ascension and thought)

Chaga is the “King of Mushrooms”, Reishi has claimed the title as the “Queen of Mushrooms.”
State of calm in both the mind and body. This mushroom works as an adaptogen

Mushroom of Spiritual Potency
Many revered Taoists and monks have long claimed that Reishi is a powerful ‘Shen tonic,’ which translates loosely to an herb that ‘nourishes the spirit’.
***Nourishes the “shen.”

Imbues the mushroom eater with spiritual radiance and wisdom. Reishi is presumed to uplift and transform the mind by expunging psychic waste, thereby helping to facilitate enlightenment.

Life extension, deep relaxation and physical rejuvenation

Belongs to a special class of medicines known as ‘tonic herbs’. These are substances considered so foundational and important to overall health, vitality, and quality of life that they are encouraged to be taken daily for their numerous benefits, sick or not.

Reishi was classified by Shen Nong as a superior herb – meaning that it could be taken continuously without side effects. The definition of a superior herb is an herb that it is a substance that it essential to life, can be taken continuously without negative side effects and promotes excellent health and long life by harmonizing the body, mind and spirit.

Shen Nong said of Reishi that “if eaten customarily, it makes your body light and young, lengthens your life and turns you into one like the immortal, who never dies.”

Alters the makeup of bacteria in the gut, which may aid in weight loss

For treating inflammatory conditions - allergies

Contains compounds called triterpenes. These are released by alcohol extraction and act through our hormones to
  • reduce stress 
  • decrease depression symptoms 
  • improve the sense of well-being
  • increase both the quantity and quality of sleep
Known under various other names: holy mushroom, herb of spiritual potency, herb of deathlessness, and shaman's tree fungus

Lion´s Mane
Improves both cognition and concentration, and reduces depression and anxiety
Protects the network of "wires" that nerves use to send signals by promoting the growth of the insulation around them (called myelin)
Nerve growth factors (NGF) synthesis in nerve cells: Lion’s mane is a nootropic, meaning it possesses cognitive benefits and has also been linked to:

Improved mood
Enhanced memory
Improved cholesterol levels
One of the highest natural antioxidants
Promotes a healthy immune system

This mushroom was prized by the Shaolin for enhancing their Mind-Power, showing correlation with the modern science. According to their belief, the stronger your mind power, the greater your ability to direct the flow of your Qi energy throughout the body. And thus they are able to perform feats of great physical strength and endurance!

Promotes vitality, energy and recovery

Improved cardiovascular health
Energy production
Anti-inflammatory response
Improved respiratory health
Balanced cholesterol
Antioxidant abilities
Reduced muscle soreness

Increases ATP production and improves endurance during exercise.
ATP’s role is to transport chemical energy to the areas of the body that need it.

Cordyceps are like a deejay pumping up the energy of a party. One of their most famous attributes, known in Asia for at least six hundred years, is the stimulation of libido. Studies have shown Cordyceps slightly increase testosterone and estrogen.

As cordyceps is an adaptogen, and not a stimulant, it does not induce spikes or sudden crashes in energy level

Cordyceps also stimulates apoptosis, which is a process that gets rid of old and defective cells including cancerous cells in tumors that are usually not subject to programmed cell death.

The fungus Cordyceps begins life by attaching its spore to an ant, germinates, and feeds on it and grows into a small mushroom. The ant lives its own life with the mushroom on its back until one day the ant is driven to climb a tree. The ant reaches a height sufficient for the release of the spores. It will remain there until it dies and all the spores are spread. All through this relationship the fungus could have eaten the ant but it displayed the intelligence to know that the ant was more important to its life and reproduction live than as a food source.

Shiitake mushrooms, named “medicinal mushrooms,” are the kings of healing mushrooms
Known as a symbol of longevity in Asia, shiitakes have been used for over 6000 years as medicine.

Have a compound called AHCC meaning Active Hexose Correlated Compound

  • Enhances the activity of natural killer cells (a type of immune cell) 
  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
  • Can improve the response of the immune system n humans
  • Improves liver function

Shiitake also enhances immunity by boosting the production of T cells, macrophages, phagocytes, natural killer cells and other white blood cells.

Fortifies liver
Excellent plant-based source of iron

It contains a number of health-stimulating agents, including lentinan, the polysaccharide for which it was named. Lentinan has been isolated  and supports healthy immune function, protects your liver, relieves other stomach distress and balances blood chemistry.
The mushroom also contains a polysaccharide called  Beta 1.3 glucan, which appears to possess powerful anti-viral and anti-tumor powers.

Remove excess fat from the blood
Reduce cholesterol
Enhance cardio-vascular health
Protect the cells from microbial pathogens

Vitamins-B2, B3, B6
Vitamin D, Folate, Zinc, and Fiber

Nutritionally, shiitake is very heart healthy and has been shown to lower cholesterol. Reduces the buildup of arterial plaque - which is the cause of hardened arteries. This mushroom also inhibits the formation of arterial lesions, and lowers high blood pressure.


***In Traditional Chinese Medicine, reishi is an exalted spiritual herb, known for thousands of years to nourish the “shen.”

Shen is the channel of spirituality that runs through our very being.  It’s known as the heartmind, and is the “awareness” that inspires our existence.  Shen provides us with insight and allows our true selves into being, as it is essential for enlightenment.

To further depict shen for you, it is the life-giving “opposite” of jing. You are born with life essence, jing. Jing is at its height when we are born and in the earlier stages of life, and when jing is completely depleted, we die. Shen is on the other side of the life spectrum. It is the life-heart-mind-spiritually-cultivated awareness that grows as we do.

Fertility and creativity can take these different shapes as well. If we increase our shen, we increase our spiritual fertility, our greater creativity. The ability to manifest and balance input and outputs come from shen-fertility, and when we are fertile in this way, we are creative and reproductive as our higher selves.

Description of Reishi by a healer:
“That is not a plant at all, that is a being older and wiser than the entire Jungle. That is only a part of it which you see, but it lives below the whole jungle and knows every plant within it. We use it as medicine when we are in the city feeling lost and lonely for our jungle. Then we chew upon it and it fills us with the spirit of the whole jungle!”


Adaptogens gently tone and support the body systems over time and need to be taken for a minimum time of two months to develop the full effect of their healing powers.


Mystical History of the “Spirit Medicine”
Since its discovery over 2,000 years ago, reishi has been renowned to “make the body lighter.”  Ling Zhi, another name for reishi, translates as “Spirit Herb,” and it was regarded as the key to immortality.   In Chinese culture, it was even said reishi could bring life back to the dead.  It has been depicted in ancient scrolls as a bridge between heaven and earth. The fruiting body of the mushroom is used as the symbol for longevity and spiritual radiance, much like the lotus flower is to Buddhist culture.  Ancient Taoists used reishi to become “capable of spiritual transcendence.”

People may think of psychedelic plants as a gateway to the nature of mind, as a way to enlightenment. Maybe these mind-altering drugs can help reinforce those on the bodhi path. But they are optional, and secondary to the process that is truly essential for spiritual evolution: meditation (or contemplation).
While laws and social stigmas limit the use of psychedelics, there is an alternative substance you can freely consume that can aid contemplation. And you can do so without jail time, or excommunication from your social niche. The herb–or mushroom–is reishi (Chinese name: ling zhi), and it is classified as an adaptogen.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Supplements for Energy to Fight Fatigue

Image result for fatigue

Image result for fatigueThere is no particular cure for fatigue syndrome, and most of the athletes suffer from this problem. However, these types of exhaustion issues can be addressed with traditional Chinese medicine, known as Cordyceps.
Natural enhancer of stamina and endurance
It supports your immune system so that level of resistance is increased

Cordyceps has particular enzymes and nutrients that mainly battle with the immune system; any physical stress, as well as the muscle degradation, can be managed through it. Cordyceps not only help in battling with the fatigue, but it also prevents tiredness and muscle degradation. In fact, it promotes muscle growth, which is good for athletes and body builders. We can easily say that this natural mushroom can provide good stamina and extra strength.

One reason that the supplement yields such an outcome is because it will help oxygenate the blood to a high degree. ATP synthesis (chemical used by cells as an energy carrier) is also enhanced when a person takes Cordyceps at regular intervals.

Cordyceps as a tonic for all illnesses.  This is because they continually witness how it improves people’s energy, sleep habits, digestion, stamina, libido and endurance

Good for liver and kidney health

The athletes mushroom due to its potential performance boosting benefits
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Adaptogen Mix
Rhodiola Rosea Root Powder -- Also known as “golden root,” is an adaptogenic herb with tremendous fat-burning, energy-enhancing and brain-boosting power

Schizandra Berry Extract -- Potent general tonic, decreasing fatigue, enhancing physical performance, and promoting endurance

Cordyceps Extract -- True “superfood” in the way that they fight the effects of aging and stress, help keep the body free from disease, and also increase energy levels
                                   Energizing adaptogen

Holy Basil Extract -- One of the best medicinal herbs that have been discovered. 
It has endless miraculous and medicinal values and has been worshiped and highly valued in India for thousands of years
Herb allegorically believed to be the embodiment of Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, love, and prosperity
“The Elixir of Life” and “Mother Medicine of Nature.”
Elite class of adaptogenic herb prized for its ability to fundamentally restore balance and harmony in the mind, body, and spirit
Balances the chakras--Bio-energetic field harmonizer

Ashwagandha Powder -- “Strength of the stallion”
Boosts endurance during physical activity by sharpening brain function and reducing bodily pain

Siberian Ginseng Extract -- Fatigue Relief
People who experience mild to moderate fatigue due to illness, insufficient sleep or emotional problems may benefit from Siberian ginseng

Panax Ginseng Extract -- They sometimes call Panax ginseng an "adaptogen" when it's used in this way. Panax ginseng is also used for depression, anxiety, general fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome

Bacopa Extract -- Adaptogenic Stress Reducer

This nutrient helps transport fats deep into cells so they can be burned for energy, and it is synergistic with coQ10 (Ubiquinol), Creatine, and Alpha-Lipoic Acid:

  • coQ10:  Combats many of the symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue since it helps to keep the metabolism operating and it also ensures higher energy levels. CoQ10 is a vital ingredient in the production of energy in every cell. It works in the mitochondria as a powerful antioxidant and enzyme
  • Combining L-Carnitine & CoQ10 Not Only Gives You Energy-It Protects Your Heart
  • Starting around the age of 30, our bodies have a harder time changing conventional CoQ10 into the more advanced Ubiquinol form, impacting our bodies' supply of cellular energy

  • ***Alpha-Lipoic Acid:  Alpha-lipoic plays key roles in cells’ energy-generating mitochondria, so it makes sense to include it to enhance energy production. Dose: 200–300 mg alpha-lipoic acid or half that amount of the R-lipoic acid for

  • Creatine:  Increases muscle size, but it's also effective at reducing fatigue and promoting effective energy usage--Is a Form Of: Performance Enhancer, Nootropic, Muscle Builder, and Pseudovitamin

One study found that L-carnitine reduced CFS symptoms, and another reported that it improved physical and mental fatigue in centenarians, who tend to have age-related energy issues.
For physical fatigue, take 2-3 grams of carnitine daily, with a high-protein meal. (You can divide the dose among breakfast, lunch, and dinner.) For mental fatigue or cognitive problems, try 1-2 grams of acetyl-L-carnitine daily.

***How Alpha Lipoic Acid Might Help With Energy
ALA is one of the primary coenzymes required to convert dietary carbohydrates into energy in the body.

Antioxidant activity
ALA is capable of warding off harmful free radicals both inside and outside of cells, which is critical for maintaining effective energy production.

ALA’s antioxidant activity has two additional components:

  • Increasing glutathione (GSH) levels. By increasing GSH (a key antioxidant), ALA not only protects cells, but has also been reported to challenge the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) as well as exercised-induced fatigue.
  • Regenerate antioxidants. ALA is capable of regenerating energy-boosting antioxidants, such as vitamin E and vitamin C.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits & Uses for Energy
ALA is frequently taken for boosting energy levels and other related uses such weight loss and improved brain function. There is some early research evidence that ALA can help battle fatigue and improve related cognitive parameters, but high-quality clinical trials are needed to confirm its effectiveness as an energy booster.

ALA is vital to good health. One study discovered that a deficiency in the enzyme that synthesizes ALA, known as lipoic acid synthase, resulted in epilepsy and defective energy metabolism.

Turn ubiquinone into Ubiquinol CoQ10
This conversion into Ubiquinol becomes more difficult to complete as we get older
Unlike conventional CoQ10, Ubiquinol is a very powerful antioxidant by virtue of its two extra electrons. Those electrons are important because they hold the key to neutralizing substances called free radicals.
Ubiquinol is the only form of CoQ10 capable of protecting the mitochondria and their lipid membranes from free radical attack
If you’re age 30 (or better!) and taking CoQ10 to support your health, be sure to take it in the advanced Ubiquinol form so your body enjoys the maximum benefit possible

Panax Ginseng
Many use it to improve thinking, concentration, memory and physical endurance
It’s also utilized to help with depression, anxiety and as a chronic fatigue natural treatment
Ginseng may help fight fatigue and enhance physical activity by lowering oxidative damage and increasing energy production in cells
The botanical name Panax means “all heal” in Greek
Improves Mood and Reduces Stress
Ginseng stimulates brain cells and improves concentration and cognitive activities
Natural appetite suppressant. It also boosts your metabolism and helps the body burn fat at a faster rate
Ginseng has beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

Gingko Biloba
Ginkgo biloba benefits include improved cognitive function, positive mood, increased energy, improved memory
help combat poor concentration, reverse cognitive decline and and heal fatigue
benefits the body’s ability to handle stressors and counteracts the effects of high levels of stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline.
beneficial for eye health

Improves Libido

Ashwagandha can have numerous healing benefits for adrenal fatigue sufferers.
It is known to boost the immune system, support improved thyroid functioning, enhance brain power and mood, and prevent the loss of cortisol.
It works to support a healthy immune system, dampen pain, and improve energy levels

Ashwagandha can be combined with many supplements and herbs:
  • For vitality, physical endurance, and mental concentration, it can be combined with rhodiola, ginseng, and terminalia arjuna.
  • Maca and ashwagandha are sometimes used together for sexual stimulation and fertility issues.
  • Curcumin and silymarin (milk thistle extract) can be added to ashwagandha for increased antioxidant effect.
  • Ashwagandha and Gingko Biloba combination is taken for nervous system and brain health.

There are 2 different methods that manufacturers use to extract Ashwagandha for later use in supplements:

The “root and leaves” method
The “ROOT ONLY” method

The “ROOT ONLY” extraction method is SUPERIOR and in line with thousands of years of Ayurvedic medicine

KSM–66 is an extract of Ashwagandha that uses the “root only” method and is considered the most superior organic form of Ashwagandha available for optimal adaptogenic benefits

When evaluating Ashwagandha supplements, make sure it has at least 10 mg of black pepper per serving for Maximum Absorption.

Withanolides are the naturally-occurring steroids found in substances such as Ashwagandha.
The optimal concentration using this method is > 5%

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Mushrooms heal and transform your cells, relax your central nervous system, improve hormonal imbalances, enhance cognitive abilities and relieve allergies and chronic fatigue. 
Mushrooms contain anti-cancerous, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and contain liver protective properties.
Reishi has a been described as a combination of spiritual vigor and elixir of immortality where it’s tied to success, well-being, divine power, and longevity and life-extending abilities
Reishi extracts were found to stimulate the production of nerve growth factor, which in turn supports the rapid development of healthy neurons and enhances their mitochondrial function

Amino Acids
Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of amino acids that includes valine, leucine and isoleucine. BCAAs are great at preventing fatigue during intense, exhaustive exercise

Tulsi-Holy Basil Tea
Tulsi or holy or sacred basil is a well respected Ayurvedic herb which has been used for over 5,000 years to help promote longevity, and improve energy levels and treat fatigue. This effective 'adaptogenic' herb, which can be consumed as a tea, is beneficial for treating anxiety and adrenal fatigue.

Coffee & Coconut Oil
One important reason caffeine is not recommended as an energy booster for people with CFS is that its effects are very short-lived. Caffeine, just like sugar, is a loan shark for energy.  It gives an initial burst of energy, but takes away more than it gives, leaving people craving even more sugar and caffeine.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has proven to be an effective remedy for chronic fatigue which is believed to be caused by viruses. It kills the virus that is believed to cause fatigue. 
Energizes the body and speeds up the metabolism. 
The nutrients of coconut oil are easily absorbed into the body, healing it and keeping it healthy.

High concentration of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs),  excellent energy source that is almost never stored as fat.

Black & Green Tea
Cup for cup, tea has about half the caffeine of brewed coffee. But if you drink two cups of tea, you don't get the same buzz as one cup of coffee. The reason is that tea also contains a compound (L-theanine) that has tranquilizing action. The Chinese say that tea produces "relaxed alertness."

The antioxidant green tea compound EGCG can help offset the physical and mental fatigue associated with modern stressful lives

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Treatment with a vitamin and mineral supplement could be a safe and easy way to improve symptoms and quality of life for people with fatigue.

B-complex vitamins
The production of energy in cells depends on most of the B vitamins. Of these, B2 and B3 play central roles in converting food to energy, and B1 and pantothenic acid are also of fundamental importance. These vitamins work in what’s called the Krebs cycle, which can be visualized as an energy-making waterwheel.

Dose: Try a B-complex or multivitamin with 50 mg each of B1, B2 and B3

Vitamin C

You need this nutrient (along with B vitamins) to make your own carnitine. An early symptom of low vitamin C levels is fatigue, which may be related to decreased carnitine production

Because vitamin C is so critical to the immune system and the strength and maintenance of the body’s connective tissues, any reduction below the normal levels of this vitamin can result in body weakness, muscle pain, and the type of bodily stress that can increase anxiety and fatigue.

In addition, nerve problems and respiratory difficulties often accompany those body aches, leaving you with less oxygen transport capacity, and less energy production at the cellular level

Dose: 1,000–5,000 mg (divided doses) daily

As a rejuvenative, guduchi strengthens the tissues, bolsters immunity, and promotes vitality while calming the mind and supporting proper function of the nervous system.
Amrita-Divine Nectar
The Ayurvedic medicine deems Guduchi as ‘Amrit’ because it is believed to promote vitality and longevity.
Ayurveda believes it to possess healing properties and fighting the excess of the 3 doshas – Vata, pitta, and kapha. Owing to its healing properties, it is believed to clear the body of the accumulated toxins, thus purifying the liver, kidneys, joints, and blood.

Improves the liver and kidney health: It boosts the liver health by eliminating toxins that have build up.
Acts as an adaptogen: The herb has been found to have adaptogenic properties and increases the body’s resistance to stress, illnesses, depression, and anxiety.
Detoxifies the body: Given its ability to rid the body of toxins, Guduchi is an excellent way to boost overall health and wellness due to the detoxification effect.

Makes for an excellent health tonic if combined with other herbs.

Tinospora cordifolia is an herb used in Ayurveda to enhance vitality

--------------------------------------------Haven´t tried:
Lion’s Mane
Improves Chronic Fatigue
The supplementation of Lion’s Mane has improved the energy levels and reduced chronic fatigue drastically. It also increased the tissue glycogen content and antioxidant enzyme content which help to reduce fatigue

Ribose helps form DNA and RNA and also makes the body produce energy
Energy molecule that powers our hearts, muscles, brains, and every other tissue in the body

D-ribose results in a significant improvement in: energy, sleep, mental clarity, pain intensity, and well-being.